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St. Linus University offers Bachelor, Masteral, and Doctoral degree programs under four academic tracks: (1) Research Degree, (2) Taught Degree, (3) PLAR and (4) Hybrid Program in a quadmester or quinmester format, where applicable. Students may log in / sign up using their email address and password or click any of the instant messaging platforms.


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Available Majors

Quinmester Curricula


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Available Majors

Quadmester Curricula


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Available Majors

Quadmester Curricula



Students may choose one of the following  academic tracks:


1. Research Degree


In the United Kingdom and elsewhere, some Master degree programs and most Doctoral programs are considered research degrees. A research-based program requires independent research and defense of a thesis or dissertation (or equivalent). Research degrees are not composed of subjects, so there are no grades or transcripts.


Research degrees are advanced academic degrees which are obtained mainly (or entirely) through independent research. The basic requirement for the award of the degree is the student's successful defense of a major paper (thesis or dissertation). Degree classifications, grades or marks, and other systems of quantifying a student's progress are not typically associated with research degrees.


Such a degree will be awarded to a candidate upon a successful completion of formal coursework requirements and the completion of an approved scheme of research which (a) displays originality of research and demonstrates a sound understanding of the field of study and appropriate research methods; and (b) satisfies the examiners in an oral examination (and any other examination if required) in matters relevant to the field of study.


2. Taught Degree


In some educational systems, graduate programs are offered as either taught degrees or research degrees. Taught degrees involve lecture classes, coursework, papers or examinations and other relatively standardized aspects of educational records.


As a result, students are typically able to obtain transcripts showing examination subjects and grades or other methods of quantifying their success in the program.


3. Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)


We employ PLAR Prior learning assessment & recognition through portfolio-assisted assessment which involves the submission of documentation describing andragogical and autodidactic learning acquired through work and life experience, among others, that may be equivalent to the learning outcomes in a college course.  PLAR is a process that identifies, verifies, and recognizes learning (knowledge and skills) that cannot be fully recognized through the traditional mechanisms of credential assessment, credit transfer, or articulation.


A portfolio is an organized collection of documents and other items that show what an individual knows and can do. In most situations, a portfolio should include, but not limited to: (1) description of learning experiences, (2) identification of knowledge, skills and abilities related to course learning outcomes; and (3) supporting documentation to verify the learning claimed.


4. Hybrid Program


Hybrid Program includes, but not limited to, a hybrid of research degree (which is research-based) and taught degree (with a transcript of records) or a combination and/or customization of any of the different types or forms of conventional and non-conventional education systems. 




St. Linus University follows the principle of a year-round academic system in a quadmester or quinmester  format, where applicable. A year-round education has been around since the 1800s in the US and sometime later elsewhere.  As a purely virtual university, a year-round system allows our students to enroll at asynchronous start dates and graduate at asynchronous end dates. 


Technically, the academic year for our collegiate courses consists of not less than thirty-six 36 weeks, or eighteen (18) weeks a term, or its equivalent or normally six (6) school days each week, exclusive of approved off academic sessionsIn any case, the total number of days on which regular school sessions are held shall not be less than two hundred (200) or one hundred (100) each term. 


The standard period of every subject shall be one (1) hour. A one-hour academic work each week or a total of not less than eighteen (18) hours in a term, shall be equivalent to one (1) unit of college credit. Thus, 1 unit = 18 hours x 3 units per subject = 54 hours per subject per term.




All of our programs are based on a flexi-time format for open learning and distance education. This is a flexible or compressed work schedules in which students can, within a prescribed band of time, start and finish their workload at their own pace as long as they complete the total number of hours required for a given work period for each major and degree type.




So that we can better support your academic goals, we offer standalone customized programs which include, but not limited to comprehensive validation and articulation system with:  


Dual Enrollment refers to students taking courses concurrently at two separate institutions. 


Dual Credits indicate students completing a single course to earn academic credits that are recognized by two or more institutions.


Dualized Education which combines apprenticeships in a company and vocational education at a vocational school in one course. 


Double Majors consist of two majors attached to a single degree.


Double Degrees involve students working for two separate degrees each with its own field of study.


Straight Program comprises of two academic degrees in one comprehensive curriculum which is equivalent to a single degree. The degree in a straight program may not be divided into a separate degree. One degree certificate is awarded bearing the higher degree.


Honoris Causa is recognizing and distinguishing an outstanding person who contributed notably to his/her field of expertise. Magister honoris causa and doctor honoris causa are awarded according to the personal merit of the nominee and the recognition by his/her peers.

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