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The Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) is an individual right in France created by the Social Modernisation Law no. 2002-73 of 17 January 2002 authorizing higher education institutions (HEIs) to grant diploma, title or certificate based solely on a person's work/life experience.
There are three different types of HEIs in France: (1) State schools, (2) State-funded and controlled private schools, and (3) Privately funded schools. The French National Qualifications Framework (NQF) lists the following VAE awarding bodies, the: (1) State [the Ministries], (2) social partners via professional branches [occupational sectors], (3) public institutions [in their own name], (4) private institutions [in their own name--Certificats de qualification professionnelle--CQP], (5) consular establishments [Chambers], and (6) institutions which received approval from a government Ministry. ESUSL® belongs to type #4 as an “establishment d’enseignement superieur prive.” 
  • Remember that VAE is not a degree per se, but a procedure (Articles L 355; L 613-4). Private HEIs may apply it according to their own criteria as prescribed by law. The diplôme or certificat which ESUSL® may grant is a “Certificat issu par un Etablissement d’Enseignement Supérieur Privé” (as defined by the Ordonnance nº 2000-916 du 19 septembre 2000 art. 3 Journal Officiel du 22 septembre 2000 en vigueur le 1er janvier 2002).
Since 1978, an academic institution is referenced by an RNE code (or the Répertoire National des Élus). In 1996, the "RNE" became the "UAI" (Unité Administrative Immatriculée: the official identifier of a French educational establishment) for Registered Administrative Unit. ESUSL® has not applied for UAI code on purpose because we do not physically operate in France. 
ESUSL® French Juridical Personality
École Supérieure Universitaire St. Linus (ESUSL®) is incorporated in France as a private, non-profit HEI (éducation et formation à distance)(Association Loi 1901) on March 1, 2017 with RNA: W751238209. ESUSL® is officially recorded in the Journal Officiel de la Republic Francaise on March 25, 2017. Our registered office is located at 7, rue de Castellane-75008 PARIS, France. To verify our legal status, click       and type the RNA in the "Rechercher dans le contenu." 
  • ESUSL® is authorized by French law (NOR: MENS0200916Dto grant equivalent degrees: Bachelors, Masters, PhDs, including Honoris Causa as an "etablissement prive d'enseignement superieur ouvert au titre du Code de l'Education Decret du 25 janvier 1876 Article L. 731-2, L. 731-3 et L. 731-4." Qualifications obtained through VAE are the same as those awarded via initial or continuous formal training or apprenticeship.
  • ESUSL® operates in accordance to the French Education Act: Code de l’Education Articles L 444-1 to 444-11 and R 444-1 to 444-28. Take note that we are NOT nationally accredited in France on purpose. Because to be nationally accredited, an institution needs (1) to offer programs in French as a medium of instruction (whereas, we offer all our programs in English); and (2) to recruit and enroll local French students within France (whereas, our target market is outside of France). See le Journal officiel des associations et fondations d’entreprise (JOAFE) below:
​NOTA BENE: The European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2014 (Country report: France) states: "(1) according to the principle of autonomy, French HEIs set their own VAE procedures, (2)  they are directly responsible to the type of qualifications they award, (3) all stages are implemented at the provider level, (4) Private sectors are not directly involved in the VAE procedure if the targeted qualification is a State diploma.​" The French NQF points out that there are qualifications issued by private, profit or non-profit training providers, such as the Sectoral qualifications (Certificats de qualification professionnelle--CQP). "CQP (sector-specific qualifications) issued by particular occupational sectors are unique among the qualifications recognized by the CNCP. CQPs may or may not be included in the register. They may be included in the register on a voluntary basis and, in that respect, are akin to 'private' qualifications. Above all, CQPs are qualifications which are included in the register but which are not classified by level. It could be said that they are in the register but not in the national 'framework'." The qualification obtained is the same as can be obtained through academic study. VAE can be financed by vocational training funds, provided that the professional certification sought is listed in the RNCP.  The registration in the National Directory concerns only the certification itself (and not the VAE providers themselves).
In the French system, all qualifications belong to the “organisations and bodies which created them” (Art L 335-6 of the Education Code). The qualification is, therefore, considered “an intangible asset” (Rapporteur from the CNCP). In other words, a qualification can remain “private”, even though it is included in the RNCP. Based on the France NQF (2017) report, "there is no 'external' checking procedure covering the issuing of diplomas, degrees or other qualifications. This principle is based on a firm assumption that all those concerned, including assessors, fully comply with expectations, standards and regulations" (p.52). "Any legal entity which is registered as a training provider is entitled to apply for the inclusion of a qualification in the RNCP. The same applies for organisations which are based overseas but operate in France" (p.20). Applicants of foreign nationality are subject to the same application requirements and procedures as French students. For a French HEIs of general interest, see EESPIG.
In France, the association that is designated by the French National Ministry of Education (as a private institution of Higher Education by correspondence under the Law of 12 July 1875 and under the Decree of 25 January 1876) may offer higher education to national and international students. See the APPLICATION DE CONSULTATION ET CARTOGRAPHIE DES ÉTABLISSEMENTS DU SYSTÈME ÉDUCATIF FRANÇAIS for the Unité Administrative Immatriculée (i.e., Registered Administrative Unit) or UAI code from the services of the rectorate of the academy where the CFA/OFA (Training Organization) is located.  Lastly, accreditation does not apply to VAE because the Commission nationale de la certification professionnelle (CNCP) replaced the Commission technique dhomologation des titres et diplômes de l’enseignement technologique (Lit. transl. Technical commission for the approval of titles and diplomas in technological education) which was abolished by social modernization law 2002-73 and dissolved on April 28, 2002.


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